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GeoCRIS Beginner Training
Self-Paced Learning for Comprehensive Disaster Management
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Self-Paced Learning for Comprehensive Disaster Management

GeoCRIS Beginner Training

This course aims to introduce to you the geospatial platform of the Caribbean Risk Information System (CRIS) called the GeoCRIS. The course focuses on the geospatial datasets available within the GeoCRIS and how to use these geospatial datasets in the creation of mapping products to support disaster response activities in the Caribbean. The course is suitable for staff of the National Disaster Organizations (NDOs) of the CDEMA Participating States. The partners in the wider NDO network can also benefit greatly from this course.

This course is ideal as an orientation to geographical information systems (GIS) for disaster risk management (DRM) in the Caribbean region. If you are new to GIS and DRM in the region, this is a good place to start.

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